I'm MOM CAN I?. It's my blog. I use nick names MOST all of the time when referring to my family. So I thought I'd tell you a wee bit about them...
Hubby Yep, you guessed it. He's my husband of 17 and 1/2 years! We've been together for almost 20 years! We met thru a mutual friend, Spaz. That's the short version. The longer version is we met at Trio Restaurant in May 20 years ago. Hubby works in the healthcare field for a large organization in our area. He is very smart and very good at his job. He is a wonderful provider for our family. He played soccer in college and our boys have the same love as Hubby did/does. Hubby also coaches and is a referee. He is an amazing husband and father.
Pootie Pootie is the oldest of the bunch. No he does not poot all the time. It was a term of endearment from when he was a little baby and it's stuck. Yes, I actually call him that in front of people It doesn't seem to bother him. He said he'd tell me if it did. He is in 9th grade at the local high school. He'll be 15 in a couple of weeks....lord help me. He is very much like me....I admit he got my sense of sarcasm. He is very smart and very detailed. He is a fabulous soccer player and lives and breathes for the sport. He is a great big brother and uber protective of our youngest.
Crash Crash is 26 months younger than Pootie....so he'll be 13 in April. He was born on my hubby's birthday. We actually got to pick his date of birth...(because all of the big three had to be induced.) Crash is the blond of the family. Yes, he got it from me. I think he looks just like Hubby, just with different coloring. He is very smart in math and science. Crash also plays soccer at the top level for his age. He wears his heart on his sleeve. He is also most argumentative child. I'm sure he gets that from me too.
Lola Lola is an interesting bird. She is our only (thank the lord) girl and will be 11. We should have known we were in for trouble because of when she was born and how she was born...July 4th and turned wrong. She has a multitude of nicknames, Sassy, Hazel, Hey You. Lola knows no stranger and if she likes ya, you know it. She is great at knowing when people need a hug. As with a lot of girls, she is dramatic....and loves to sing and act. She does not play soccer, although she has, but is still involved as a volunteer.....
Bubba Bubba started out with the nickname Peanut - because he was so small. My mom calls him Buddy and my dad calls him Tuffy. Like his sister, he'll answer to most anything. Bubba will be 3 in April and he is our little miracle boy. He keeps me hopping during the day. We cannot imagine our life without him now. He loves the big three, as we call the older ones - and thinks that his daddy hung the moon.
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