Monday, August 10, 2009

Bullet Point Monday

  • It's hot. Too hot to be outside. And when I AM the one that says it's HOT - it's Hot.
  • Beach was awesome.....hated coming home.

  • Last week was a week of doctor's appointments. Me and Little Bugaboo. (He's not a little Peanut anymore- he's big)

  • I'm all healthy. My uterus is not retarded anymore.

  • Bugaboo doesn't have to go back to the eye doctor again until April!!!

  • Bugaboo's head scan and neuro doc appointment went well and we don't have to go back there until November.

  • Bugaboo got put on the scales on Friday at Pootie's doctor's appointment and he weighs slightly over ten pounds!!!

  • I have fatty breast milk.

  • We had a great weekend. Even Hubby said something about it on his way home his way far out job location.

  • Took lots of pictures of the big kids at the driving range on Saturday. That was a hoot!!! Lola whined and whined about how hot it was and how she couldn't do it. Once she shut up, for the first time, she wasn't so bad!! Pootie can hit the stew out of it and Crash loves to hit the balls and is really good too!

  • Both boys had soccer on Sunday. Lola went with mom and dad to church.

  • Soccer tourney this weekend. Can't wait!! Life is back to normal!!!

  • School is going to start soon. Don't want it to. I like having the slobs, I mean kids, home with me. Seriously. I really do. HOME SCHOOL anyone?
Here are a couple of pictures to show you that all is well and good here in MomCanI town!!!

Bugaboo's first day on the beach...

The Boys of the Summer....(is that song in your head now?)

One of my favorite little girlies in the world holding Bugaboo

Driving Range on Saturday-so stylish!!

And Crash looking like he's ready to take on Tiger.

Pootie - so serious!!!!

And my sweet hubby.....

Coming soon - my freaking out over the's a story let me tell ya!

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