Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Ya know that line in the movie Hairspray (the recent one with John Travolta as the momma)…when she/he says “I have to do my I-ron-nin. 

Well that was me today – I got to do my I-ron-nin.  I was so happy.

I washed a big load of Hubby’s dress shirts.  There is something about the dry cleaning of dress shirts that after a while, to me, they just aren’t clean.  So into the wash they went, and then I needed to i-ron them. 

I love to i-ron.  I can’t help it.  I think it started with my Gram.  I guess she liked to i-ron too because she i-ron-ed everything.  for a long time, my mom i-ronned everything too.  And up until I had 4 kids and no time, I i-ron-ed everything.  Even our sheets.  I love freshly starched sheets – so nice to get into the bed!

My therapy begins tomorrow. Smile 

Oh – the menu has been a hit – EXCEPT the hash brown casserole, the kids didn’t like it.  not sure why because it looks to me to be kid friendly.  My only guess was the salsa on top of it.  Hubby and I like it. 

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