Monday, August 27, 2012

Noah was a wise man….

“It pays to plan ahead.  It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.”

Today…ugg.  I’ve dreaded this day for several weeks.  The first day of school.  I hate it.  Always have.  I like the kids being home and the lazy days of summer. 

Today I have to get back to being my control-planning-think-everything thru- self. 

The school start/end times for the middle school SUCKS.  No other word for it.  SUCKS.  The brilliant minds that run things changed us to a 9-4 school.  And the bus ride of course is a long one, because there are stupid people making these decisions….The bus comes at 7:50am and drops them off at 5:02pm. (That’s for Crash and Lola.  Pootie is on the same NORMAL schedule of 7:15-2:15.)  It is just not possible or economical for me to pick them up everyday. 

Add in the extra curricular activities (soccer) and I’ve got to be a NOAH.  Plan plan plan.

Or we’d starve.

Or go broke eating out

Here is the meal plan and kid shuffle for this week. 

Monday- (tonight) 

Chicken Parmesan with side of spaghetti and broccoli.  Pootie has practice from 5-6:30.  Hubby is reffing game at 7:00 up the road.   I’m sure I’ll have to have a beer to get thru all the ridiculous paperwork that I know is going to descend on me tonight. 

Bubba helped me get dinner ready this morning.  He loves to help cook!!!  He says “I’m a great helper and stirrer mommy.”  Yes you are Bubba!  And so dang cute!!!



I pounded out the chicken breasts really thin. Then lightly breaded with Italian breadcrumbs and garlic (we love garlic).


Sautéed a little – to brown…


Put into pryex dish.  I’ll pour sauce and cheese over before putting in the oven!!  Yummy yummy!!!


Roast with rice and bourbon carrots.  Crash has practice on Tuesdays from 4:45 til 6:15 (yeah, go back and look at his bus schedule) but the coach is giving them this Tuesday off because he knows it’s a hot mess with the bus schedule for so many of us.  Pootie has practice from 6:15-7:45.  I’m also helping out my friend, Suzanne, and watching her two boys on Tuesday evening.  Love her boys! 


PF Chang’s Lettuce Wraps – a family favorite.  Crash has practice from 6:00-7:30 and Pootie is 8:00-9:30.  On Wednesday afternoons at 3:50 I pick up my neighbors son from his bus drop off – he attends a private school and they do community drop offs. 


MeatLoaf with mashed taters and baby peas.  Pootie practice from 6:00-7:30 and Crash 7:30-9:00


Leftovers.  Hubby goes to take care of Robb now on Friday nights.  (He is our friend with Lou Gehrig’s)  No one has practice this Friday.  Pootie has a game on Saturday and Sunday.  Friday will be a recovery day for all of us! Smile 

I haven’t even been able to THINK about when Lola starts with her afterschool activities (she is dying for Drama to start)….

So from here on out – it’s cooking in the morning.  Having a game plan.  Knowing what we are going to eat for dinner makes my afternoons so much easier to handle. 

So- if you have any good easy recipes to share – since I’m having to be creative with casseroles and crockpots – let me know!!! 

And just remember..

It’s not the plan that’s important…it’s the planning!

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