Monday, October 26, 2009

Sticks and Stones

I'm going to go back to the days of pen and ink. I am DONE with computers. Pretty funny coming from me, eh?

CG computer Doc called and I'm pretty much hosed on the ole desk top. Bummer. There are a couple experimental things that could be done, but they may or may not work, and could cost me a small forture. (Oh and to boot, we are having issues with the wireless network in the office..)

Computers age in dog years if you didn't know.

My computer was 5 years old.

In computer years, might as well be 300 years old. Major bummer. I am hopeful that my boss sees the benefit of me having a computer at home and wants to help me get another one.

But enough about that.

I've got dad's laptop right now, so let me run thru a quick what's been going on...

Peanut had his 6 month check up...he weighs 15 pounds 4 ounces and is 24 3/4 inches long. He has been allowed "food" - he is mastered rice cereal, applesauce and bananas. And he is still a boob man.

Pootie, Crash and Lola are doing just great. They have fall break on Thursday and Friday and I cannot wait!!!! All are doing well in school thankfully. Soccer is going really well for the boys, and Lola is anxiously waiting for Spring when she can play again.

Hubby and I are well...he is exhausted from all the driving everyday to Shelby. The kids are pretty much over it too because he gets home so late. Wasn't part of the deal, he was supposed to be able to leave work earlier since it's over an hour drive each way....but that doesn't happen except 2 times a week....and it's not going to change.

Other than that.....we are all good!!!!

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