Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What's the word...

..that I am looking for? Oh that would be CRAPPY! And I'm not talking about a fish!

Peanut had a CRAPPY night last night!!! He could not keep his body temperature up, which is not a good thing! He got so cold, his 11 pm feeding had to be held. His nurse did try bundling him up, and adding a couple warm blankets, but still no improvement. SO, he had to go under the warming lamps. He had a couple brady's and desats. (Translation, not good, that's the heart rate dropping.)

I talked to nurse at 6 in the morning, so I already knew that he had a rough night. But when I got there this morning, seeing him under the warmers, back in just a diaper, it was very sad. (No clothes allowed when your body temp is being monitored.)

Now here is the irony of it all - by the time Hubby and I were with him at 8:30 this morning, his heart rate was too high - because HE WAS TOO HOT!!! So, they turned the warmers down. He got a little more comfortable, but still threw some desats our way.

It wasn't until he got picked up and placed on his mommy that he totally relaxed and was happy. His heart rate was normal, his oxygen level was fabulous...and there we sat for hours. (I checked his temp every 30 minutes and he was just fine, even a little too warm, Deb, his nurse practitioner even had me un-bundle him a little.)

At feeding time, he was so tired from the crazy night, that he latched on, but wouldn't nurse, which was fine, I gave him a bottle. These are one of those times that I go back to the old adage of "I don't care how you get fed, as long as you get fed, tube, bottle or boobage, all from the same source!!" (Bottle's a tad easier -and easier means less calories burned for him- than trying to nurse), he took all of the bottle, and back to sleep on me he went. The boy was very content. So content, that I didn't want to move him, which meant that I didn't get up to pump. (The boobs were DYING especially because I got NO relief 'cause he didn't nurse. BUT a little discomfort for me was worth his heart rate and oxygen level being great!!! I did drive home and run right to my pump!!)

Two steps forward, one step back. That's where we are right now. OH, the scan that he was supposed to have yesterday didn't happen until late this afternoon which means that we have no results. Trying not to be nasty about that one.

OH, last night, I went back down to see him. Hubby, my mom and I had taken an infant cpr class yesterday during "his time" and I felt very empty when I got home yesterday. Long story short (too late) I went back down for his 5 o'clock feeding to nurse him - and it had rained it's butt off...but guess what was outside his window? The most beautiful rainbow ever! It seems fitting that a rainbow could be seen in such glory from the window of the Children's Hospital.

Can you see it? It was just so beautiful!!!

So - here is the warmer that he is in (this is Hubby trying to change his stinky shooowie that he had)

And this is after getting a clean diaper (or as my kids used to say "pia-per")... He was stretching!!! What a face eh?

1 comment:

Merae said...

i am sorry that ryan had a bit of a set back. i can't even imagine the ups and downs you are going through each day (and night). please know we are all thinking of your little peanut and your sweet family constantly! we love you and are praying for you all.